principles of language skills development implementation

In accordance with the Special methodical Language Development (Department of Education, 2004; 7) "The principles of implementation of the development of language skills in Taman Kanak - Kanak", as follows:

a. Material taken from a conversation exercises or environmental themes and children.
b. Oriented teaching and learning activities on the ability to be achieved and where possible linked to the theme.
a. Children are given freedom in expressing thoughts and feelings and focus on spontasitas.
b. Teachers master the methods / techniques for implementation.
c. Communication between teachers and children carried out in close.
d. Teachers set an example or role model in using the language.
e. Materials containing the content to develop intellectually, emotionally, and in accordance with the stages of child development surrounding.
f. Not justified given the letters and their sounds and each one in it but through word containing the letter which will be introduced.
g. Not given a lesson such as reading and writing lessons in primary schools. "

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