Indonesian Culture
Indonesian culture is all typical of a region in Indonesia, which had existed prior to the formation of the Indonesian state. Indonesian culture is the culture of the whole range of local tribes in Indonesia.
Indonesian cultures are characteristic of regions in Indonesia, which existed before the formation of the Indonesian national. which includes the Indonesian culture that is all the local culture of the entire range of the tribes in Indonesia.
Indonesian culture in the view of Ki Hajar Dewantara is "the peaks of the regional culture." the Quote of this statement refers to the idea to establishe the entity, so that the entity is more pronounced than diversity. Its form is a unitary state, the national economy, national laws, as well as the national language. The definitions given by Koentjaraningrat can be seen from his statement: "a unique and quality from any tribe of origin, that the origin could identify themselves and create a sense of pride, that the Indonesian culture." This statement refers to the peaks of the regional culture and ethnic culture could lead to a sense of pride for Indonesia if it is shown to represent a common identity. [2]
The statement contained in the Guidelines is a translation of the 1945 Constitution Article 32. Today the Indonesian culture figures are questioning the existence of regional culture and national culture related to the elimination of three-sentence explanation on Article 32 and the emergence of a new paragraph. They questioned the possibility of divisions by the local culture if the restrictions on national culture is not explained clearly.
Before the amendment, the 1945 uses two terms to identify the regional culture and national culture . Culture nations, cultures is long and contained as a genuine peaks in the regions throughout Indonesia, while the national culture itself is understood as a cultural geese already be in a position that has meaning for the entire Indonesian nation. Within there are elements of a unifying national culture of Indonesia, which already aware Banga and menglami spread nationally. In it there are elements of culture and cultural elements of foreign nations, as well as elements of new creation or the result of national invention.
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