culture and tourism
In this era of globalization (kesejagadan) such as archaeological remains now occupy important positions. This is not because of the physical form of buildings of archaeological objects but rather reflected the values of these archaeological objects. Various archaeological resources in many countries has aroused researchers, lovers of culture, lover of antiques and unique culture to come and witness the remains of the past.
In the centuries to the Roman Emperor 3-4 Horodatus has lured the uniqueness of the region remains in Egypt. Similarly, during the XV-XVI centuries Renaisanse many Europeans who came to the archaeological remains either from Europe or in the outer region. Even buildings that resemble a mountain in Sumaria called zigurat has attracted experts from Sweden, England and others.
Piles of stone that menggunduk at Borobudur, Prambanan, Sewu and others have been of special interest to the Dutch experts to re-establish the building during the dark days before the war. Ancestral remains in the form of the megalithic tradition and other archaeological remains has become a tourism potential. Basis of tourism development is the potential of cultural resources, cultural diversity, art and natural charm.
Arkeolgi tourism development via the object must be implemented through local empowerment approach (community-based tourism development). Megalithic tradition in the use of Pagar Alam to tourism to keep in mind the views Setiyawati Edi said that tourism development must be supported by the culture industry.
Cultural industry is anything that produces a product of cultural messages. This means that the product serves as a means of delivery of messages that can influence the thinking of understanding, penganggapan, attitude, bias and appetite in humans who consume it (Edi Sedyawati, 2003). The result, among other books, films, tapes and other music. For those reasons, in promoting tourism in Pagar Alam need books or movie information and other information materials.
Thus the local community as the beneficiary can and want to learn, know, understand and utilize cultural resources (megalithic tradition) Pagar Alam. Besides directly book can also be used by policy makers as a reference and the handle in the management of cultural resources in this megalithic tradition Pagar Alam. To obtain knowledge of the megalithic tradition packaging Pagar Alam, need for tourism research of archaeological objects (Archaeological torism).
Progress is based on archaeological tourism can be witnessed in many countries including Egypt, China, India, Cambodia Object Tourist Destination (destination) because it basically focuses on the tourism attractiveness of the object ie the uniqueness, rarity, scarcity, splendor, privileges, etc. . Megalithic tradition Pagar Alam has the quality and quantity that meets the requirements of tourism.
Pagar Alam archaeological remains can basically be used for improving the economy through tourism. Tourism market aimed at cultural and archaeological resources is very diverse. Prentice (1993) argues that the market segment of tourism can be divided into 5 categories:
1. A group of researchers among academic / scientific (educated visitirs)
2. Professional groups
3. Family group
4. Groups of students / schools
5. Travellers with nostalgia motivation.
The five groups of tourists are related to the utilization of cultural resources and archaeological resources with huge potential in addition to emphasizing the natural attractions of beauty / natural charm. Business tourism, business tourism can be distinguished which can be grouped into the scale of the reach of primary and secondary coverage scale. Primary range covers domestic tourism. Archaeological remains in Pagar Alam apparently can be grouped into two primary and secondary coverage. Because of the reach of primary and secondary coverage of each region or country that can promote tourism through archaeological resources must consider these
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