karapan sapi and social

Social events or groups and human behavior as essentially qualitative because it is dynamic / one place (einmalig) or ideographic, examples of historical events. Events of human behavior is qualitative because it is associated with motivation / attitude / decision in the liver that can not be based on quantitative measurement. Composition of thought man is more quantitative, is the fact the world / objects / events is qualitative.
It is relevant to an explanation about the limitations of the group in
social concepts as follows. Groups can be distinguished as, Yai tu:
1.kelompok psychological and, 2.kelompok social organization. Group
Psychological: "means a unit which paused ri from two or more persons who
ing sal l dependent and thinking a certain ideological Iki. " Ik Karakterist groups
psychological is determined by idiologinya, st ruktur and position
individuals within the st rukturnya (David Krech et al, chapter XI).
The concept of social communities on the island of Madura, which is located in East Java,
Yai tu as one of the area and the wi layah Province in Indonesia
potential, East Java is a demographer and geographer is ident ik with
Madura, thinking l Iki largest population (2) in Indonesia. Adjacent
with Central Java in the west, the south Indian Ocean, the island of Bal i in t imur
and the Java Sea in the north. East Java Province, covering a total area 47 921 km2.
J iwa a population of 32,487,744 (1990) increased signi fikan
be 35 million more j iwa (1999), the cause of family planning
T o go well.
Picture is a picture of Madura, East Java. Population density
678 per km2 (1990), the character citizens who are very open and dynamic
and very known to migrate and trade. Natural resources and
human resources of East Java Province, a large enough bi He also managed
Poor data; in 2001 by the BPS with PKIB. / table / household
miskin/2.196.363. RT-7,267,843 d 10,046,943 inhabitants / compare with data from institutions
other (allegedly 21 million inhabitants). Data one of the main economic drivers of the beginning of the year 2001
namely SOEs. 188 SOEs that existed, including 54 operating in East Java consisting of six
business sectors, namely:
Sector, industry and trade,
-Sector of the industrial, construction and consulting services,
-Communications sector, telecommunications and tourism,
Financial-services sector,
-Sectors of agriculture, horticulture and forestry, and
-Public service sector
-The turnover estimated at more than 200 trillion (national), profits in 2001 reached 20 - trillion, two
trillions of them in the can from the operation in eastern Java. But state figures such magnitude
not automatically raise the level of social welfare.

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