
childhood is a problematic issue because it often occurs during the more difficult behavior problems. This deals with the development of their unique personalities and by the freedom that is generally not successful they get. In the psychological realm of childhood - childhood is described with a number of different designations to describe the characteristics - characteristics that stand out from the psychological development of children during this age, one of the designations used are pre-school age.
The term pre-school age by teachers more focused to distinguish children - children of school age, this period is the period of preparation for primary school education. In the nursery - child, children are led to detach himself from habits at home. Many rules must be obeyed and was conducted in kindergarten who do not are like habits at home. Kindergarten is a place of transition in children's education process. One of the most common way in the surf environment is to ask, so in this period is often called the age question.

In this period the most prominent is the child imitate other people talk and action. By Karen that this period is also known to mimic age.
According to Elizabeth B. Huriock childhood - childhood is the ideal time to learn certain skills, he mentions three reasons: first child - a child happy to repeat, so they are skilled to do it. The two children - children are brave, so do not hampered by the kalu fear itself an illness or a friend - a friend sebagimana feared an older child. The three children - children easy and quick to learn because their body is still supple and sanagt new skills possessed so little of the newly mastered skills kertampilan menggannggu not available.

If the children - children are not given the opportunity in learning specific skills such as painting or imitating the sound of birds or other animals that preferred the sound of children, perhaps sent while progress has been possible then what happens is they lack basic katrampilan has been learned by friends - his peers and less have the motivation to learn various skills at the time given. In ahirnya independence will cause instability in children.

Skill marupakan one ability and potential that exists in every child, in order to optimize the potential for developing such capabilities it needs to be given basic - basic skills through training and coaching. At the age of one kindergarten skills necessary dikembangkkan is to learn language. Learning language is learning to communicate and therefore the learning skills at the age of kindergarten is aimed to increase students' ability to get to know the national language both orally and in writing. Language learning is also directed to sharpen students' sentiment. Learners are expected not only to understand the information conveyed directly but also delivered covertly or indirectly.

The essence of language is a tool to communicate, share experiences, learn from each other and enhance the intellectual and emotional abilities. Therefore the goal of developing language skills also refers to the competence of language use in good and true. Goal of developing language skills and reading and comprehension skills at the position and direction of kindergarten education is that students are able to communicate verbally with the environment. Environment is the environment around the child is between the other environments of peers, friends playing, adults both in school, at home and with neighbors in the neighborhood and have an understanding of the position concept in a simple way in accordance with the development of learners.

Development function and speaking proficiency for preschool children, among others, a tool to communicate with the environment, tools to develop children's intellectual ability, a tool to develop the child's expression, and the means to express feelings and thoughts to others.

The function of understanding the position and direction for preschool age children are as basic capital or early in life to be able menujuk up the position of the position and direction in accordance with the correct concept.
Learning program at the kindergarten curriculum by 1994 as stipulated in GBPKB-TK (Department of Education; 1995: 7) at point B on the program kegiata learn in order to develop basic skills, especially no. 2 about language. Development of language intended to make students able to communicate verbally with the environment.

Some language skills are expected to be achieved:
1. speaks fluently with simple sentences.
2. talked with the events surrounding it simple.
3. answering questions about short stories that have been in to tell a teacher.
4. telling images that have been provided.
5. talking about pictures that have made their own.
6. sort and tell the contents of the image series.
7. simple retelling of the story already told the teacher.
8. Ability to use the pronoun I in bekomunikasi
9. Having a variety prbendaharaan verb, adjective, the word state, question words and conjunctions

In the execution capability that can be expected to be achieved gradually and repeatedly according to the abilities of children. Ability can be seen its success at the end of learning. Program of learning activities is achieved through the options in accordance with environmental themes that children and other activities that support the capability to be developed.

Implementation of all abilities, whether the ability of the formation and behavior of basic skills, can not be separated with the use of language, of course, the language of good and true, and so learners terinovasi to develop the language skills, learning a fun and meaningful for all learners need in order to creative efforts , innovate, with all citizens berkolaboratif Kindergarten, to create media or means of supporting the achievement of an optimal goal. A teacher sued the creative and innovative in order to overcome the obstacles and problems that arise in the learning process. With creative and innovative in teaching a teacher can improve the basic skills achieved by learners.

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