Indonesian name
I am always struck by the fact that every Indonesian newspaper is filled with Indonesian names. And each name seems to reveal something about the background of the person named. Such a lot of effort goes into choosing names for children, and books about names in Indonesia were an increasing phenomenon in the 1990s. If an Indonesian looks at a list of names of people who will attend a meeting, for example, and the list contains the following names:
Agus Supriyanto Putu Kompiang, Dadang,
Mulya Lubis, Chaniago Bobby Setiawan -
then the Indonesian reader will already have a certain set of information or predispositions about the people involved. But it takes the foreigner years to build up any sort of familiarity with the information coded into these names. So I have summarised below some preliminary information I have drawn together, about some of the sorts of names met with in Indonesia. these provide a fascinating basis for weaving into classroom teaching
2.1. Balinese names:
a. Ranking by birth:
1. Gede, Wayan, Putu, Iluh (perempuan)
2. Made, Kadek
3. Nyoman, Komang
4. Ketut.
Then start over again, for 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th child, then start again for the 9th.
b. Names associated with caste:
Information from:
Brahmana: (High Priests & Religious) Men addressed as Ida Bagus Women addressed as Ida Ayu or Dayu (shortening).
Satria: (Descendants of warriors or rulers) Variable depending on the family. Male names can begin with: Cokorda Gede, Cockorda, Anak Agung, Dewa, Dewa Agung, Ratu, Tjokorde, or Prebagus. Female names can begin with: Dewa Ayu, Anak Agung istri, or Tjokorde istri. An example: Dewa Gede Putu: Dewa is the title, Gede is an honorary prefix meaning great, and Putu denotes first born.
Wesia: (Administrators, Merchants, economist class) Male names begin with Gusti or Dewa(Overlap with Satria class) Female names begin with I Gusti Ayu or Desak. Group names are also important to this class an example is the Arya descended from Raja.
Saudra: (Lower Class) 90% of population adopt the 4 name roundabout naming system described above. These names are prefixed with either 'I' for males or 'Ni' for females. Under the old system it is the Sudra's duty to labour for the three upper classes
2.2. Javanese names:
Typical pattern: Su…(o)..o (Sukarno, Suharto, Sutrisno, Sudomo, Surono, Sugiharto);Kartini/Kartono, Martini/Martono.
2.2.1. By ranking of birth (Sanskrit/Kawi?):
Eko (satu) Eko Sumarwan, Eko Mardiyanto, Eko Purwanto
Eko Wardiyati, Ekowati, Dyah Ekorini
Dwi (dua) Dwi Hatmoko, Joko Dwiyanto, Dwijo Suranto
Dwi Kusumowati, Endang Dwiningsih, Dwiyani
Tri (tiga) Triwibowo, Triman, Agus Trisasongko
Trisedyo, Triwulandari, Eni Triningsih
Catur (empat) Catur Adiprabowo, Catur Atmojo, Moh. Catur Wiseso
Catur Astuti, Dyah Catur Wanito, Caturtyastuti
Panca (lima) Poncogimo, Poncosutowo, Poncoyono
Endang Poncorini, Poncowati, Poncowarni
Sad (enam) Sadirin, Sadimin, Sadmoko
Sapto (tujuh) Sapto Raharjo, Sapto Hudoyo, Agus saptono
Saptaningsih, Saptaningrum, Wiwik Saptorini
Hasto (delapan) Hastomo Arbi, Hasto Widagdo
Nowo (sembilan) Nowo Murtiyanto
Doso (sepuluh) Doso.
2.2.2. By Javanese day (pasaran):
1. Legi Legiman, Bogi, Misgiwati
2. Pahing
3. Pon Poniman, Ponirin, Mispon
4. Wage R. Wage Supratman, Wagimin
5. Kliwon Pak Kliwon, Tukliwon
2.2.3. By Month/Special period?
Januar Pebrianti Agus/Agustina
Pascalis Kartini Ramadan
2.2.4. By special event around the birth:
Centrisia - born in a Centris taxi
Pestiati - saved from the plague (pes)
Irianto - father took part in the struggle for Irian
Subiakto - father served in Biak
2.2.5. Other positive themes - great, fragrant, good character:
*** light/sun/moon/stars:
Nur Cahyo/Cahyono Fajar
Suryo Baskoro Purnama/Purnomo
Sasongko Bintang Kartika
Kirana (Wahyu) Wulan
**** greatness:
Mulyo/Mulyono/Mulyadi Jaya/Joyo Hadi
**** praise, blessings:
Puji/Muji Astuti Nugroho
**** fragrant, flowers:
Arum Ningrum Kusumo
Puspa/Puspita Kumala Padma
Mawar Melati
**** jewels, wealth:
Ratna Intan Kencana
Dana Sugih
**** good aspects of character:
Budi Guna Bagyo/Bejo
Darsono (teladan) Selamat/Sugeng Waras/Saras
Waluyo Basuki Harja
Widodo Wibowo Susilo
Setia/Setyo Mitra/Mitro Untung
Adi/Hadi Arif/Arief (bhs Arab) Wicaksono
Kis (tampan/cantik)
**** gods & goddesses:
Dewo Dewobroto, Dewo Bramantyo, Dewantoro
Dewi Dewi Saraswati, Dewayani, Dewi Puspa
Indra Indra Rukmana, Indra Safera, Indrawati, Hendro raharjo
Sri (Dewi padi) Sri Mulatsih, Sri Ambarwati, Sri Mulyani
Bayu Bayu Nugroho, Bayu Sukarno, Bayuningsih
Baroto Edi Baroto, Tribaroto
Wisnu Wisnu Wardhana, Wisnu Tri Raharjo, Wisnawan
Utari Utari Nor Permadi, Endang Utari
2.2.6. aspects of nature:
Ardi (gunung) Ardiyanto, Agus Ardi Winarto, Ardiman
Taufan (angin ribut) Taufan Sukarno Putro, Heri Taufan
Guntur Guntur Sukarno Putro
Guruh Guruh Sukarno Putro
Mega (awan) Megawati
Bayu (angin) Bayu Aji, Bayu Sukarno Putro
Samodro (laut) Budi Samodro, Agung Samodro
Tirta (air) Tirtasari, Tirtawati, Tirtayasa
Pertiwi (bumi/tanah) Pertiwisari, Endang Pertiwi
Wulan (bulan) Wulandari, Wulansari, Endang Wulansih
2.2.7. tokoh wayang:
Nama Tokoh Contoh Nama
Arjuno/Permadi Herjono, Bambang Permadi
Bimo Bimo Putranto, Agus Bimo, Bimo Prasetyo
Ismoyo/Semar Ismoyo, Ismiyati
Karno Sukarno, Sukarni
Endang Endang Pergiwo, Endang Sasmito
Gunawan Wibisono Gunawan Wibisono
Sudewo Eri Sudewo, Ari Sudewo
Hanoman/Himawan Himawan, Himawati
Gatotkaca Moses Gatotkaca, Gatot Prakosa
Lesmono Indra Lesmana, Bambang Lesmono
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